The Valley Hospital Department of Pastoral Care is looking for committed and caring volunteers to pay visitation to Jewish patients in the hospital. The standard commitment is one day a week for about two hours. Some training will be provided. If you have any questions please contact the Valley Hospital Pastoral Care Department at 201-447-8150.
We want to let you know about the services that the Caring Committee oversees. As a “House of Friends,” there is no better way to show our support to those congregants with varying emotional and physical needs than to help out during these times of need.
Our services are geared to inside the congregation, versus the Social Action committee, which is geared to outside the congregation. Although we usually are informed of a need from the clergy, we encourage you to reach out to us directly.
With your help we would like to provide the following services:
- Prepare or buy meals for those who are ill or sitting shivah
- Deliver meals to those who are ill or sitting shivah
- Help congregants shop for food
- Drive congregants to doctor’s appointments, chemotherapy, radiation
- Visit people confined at home or in the hospital
- Visit with families of those who are seriously ill
- Call home-bound or ill congregants
As a mitzvah-oriented community, our congregational family needs to be attentive to the needs of the sick, the mourner, and shut-ins. The ability to help our members is directly correlated to the volume of people who are willing to help. Please contact us to let us know in which area you would like to volunteer.
Programs are currently being planned for the upcoming year. If there are any services or topics that you would like to see added, let us know. If you would like to know more about this committee or would like to get involved, contact the office at
The Caring Committee